New Certification Acquired

Posted 9th August 2021

Hi-Way Services is proud to announce that we have been awarded the BS ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety Certificate. We are committed to raising standards for both our staff and our customers and completing these certifications shows that we are continuously committed to best practice for road traffic safety management.


What is the BS ISO 39001?

This is the benchmark for road traffic safety management and contractors and companies who achieve this goal are formally recognised as demonstrating not only their safety priorities, but also their consideration for other road users also.


Why is BS ISO 39001 so important?

At Hi-Way Services, we believe in high standards across the board, both in the work we deliver to our clients as well as the qualifications, expertise and training we have. As a globally recognised certification, the BS ISO 39001 puts our clients’ minds at ease that they are in capable hands.


How to get certified for a BS ISO 39001?

There are two steps to being formally approved for this certification.


Gap analysis

A pre-assessment service where we are inspected closely regarding our existing road traffic safety management. In going through this process, we are able to understand the areas that we need to improve before undergoing the official assessment.


Formal assessment

This happens in two stages. First, Hi-Way’s safety management is reviewed across the entire business, with the findings reported back to us so that we can deal with any underlying problems. Following this, the site and operations are assessed, which then completes the checks needed for formal certification.


At Hi-Way, we are proud to hold several certifications including the 9001, 14001 and 4500. The 39001 is just the newest achievement to add to the list and we are looking forward to improving even further, creating a safe atmosphere for staff and clients.


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